
Spiritual Warfare

Good afternoon my friends, I want to encourage you to be steadfast in the battle we find ourselves in. It is a real unseen battle involving our chief adversary (Satan) and his minions, against us, the true followers of our Lord Jesus Christ! Ephesians 6: 12, it says: ‘For we do not wrestle against flesh …

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The Death of Discernment

I come to this article saddened to say the least, the lack of Biblical discernment amongst professing Christians is alarming! The Word of God has a lot to say about looking at our immediate world through the eyes of scripture. A lot of people who profess to know Christ are completely ignorant of true spiritual …

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These Blessed Days

Good afternoon my friends, these days in which we live are a living fulfillment of the testimony of God’s Word! The Bible tells us exactly the way things are going, and the reason why they are happening. The great unrest, and the upheaval in the world was foretold century’s before they began to take place …

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Jesus Christ, the Judge

‘For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son’ (John 5:22)! Good day my friends, this is a most sobering verse. It is very common in today’s pulpits to hear of a weak Christ who is begging for our ‘acceptance’ of Him, so many that are paying Him lip service …

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Jesus Christ is coming

Good afternoon friends, I want to encourage you today regarding the lateness of the hour in which we live. The middle east is the powder keg of the world, war is immanent; as the nations that surround Israel have one accord; and that is to wipe Israel of the face of the earth (Psalm 83), …

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The Gospel 4-18-2024

Hello my friends, today I want to talk about the Biblical Gospel. There is so much misunderstanding today about what the true Gospel is, there are so many false teachers that are conveying a false Gospel (Galatians 1:7). It is very serious to present a Gospel different from what the Bible states (Galatians 1:9). We …

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Abide in Him

Good afternoon friends, I write this today out of love for my brethren. Are you abiding in our Lord Jesus? We see the storm clouds approaching; are we watching our life closely, do others see the Lord in our lives? These are sobering questions to say the least; but we must. In John 15, the …

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Purpose in life

Good afternoon friends, today I want to talk about having ‘purpose in life. The apostle Paul in 2nd Timothy, acknowledged Timothy as following his doctrine, manner of life, PURPOSE, faith etc. True purpose in life not only breeds contentment, but gives true meaning to life itself! This life is so brief that anything done in …

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Rest in the Lord 3-21-2024

Good morning my friends, today I want to talk about the fine act of ‘resting’ in the Lord. We as the body of Christ are in a serious battle. Remember what the apostle Peter says about our adversary in 1st Peter 5; how he walks about seeking someone to devour. We are promised that the …

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